Patio Planters from Lakeland – Product Review

Review by Michael Smith

Haxnicks Patio Planters
Lakeland Ref: 50948 (3 Vegetable Planters)
14.95 GBP

Those planters are another product from Lakeland's new dedicated Garden Catalog that caught my attention when going through it after I received my press copy for review/preview.

You don't need a garden to “grow your own”...

Especially for small spaces, this collection of durable polyethylene sacks allows you to have your own vegetable plot on a patio, in a yard, or right next to the back door. Easy to manage and to maintain, they are great way to introduce children to growing vegetables too. And they might actually eat those vegetables if they have raised them themselves. With drainage holes at the bottom to avoid waterlogging, they have carry handles and can be reused year after year.

Those planters are, as I had guessed, and described thus in my review of the Garden Catalog, similar to the so-called builders' bags, being from about the same type of material. The only difference is that the material is not as heavy and it is also, in contrast to the builders' bags, additionally coated.

I have used builders' bags in my garden for container planting already and found them to work very well. The only drawback with the builders' one, despite the fact that they can ge had by the ton for free from building sites, is that they are rather big and once filled with soil can no longer be moved. They also take rather a great amount of compost and soil.

Read more on Green (Living) Review

1 comment:

Scattered Gardener said...

I used some of these last year, produced good crops of cucumbers, tomotoes and cut and come again salads. They are quite widely available. Mine said to use only one season but as they cost nearly a fiver each I plan to wash them thoroughly and see if they survive a second season of summer sunshine.